Data Storage
If you’ve ever explored purchasing server storage, particularly for a small business, you’ve no doubt experienced some of the computer industry’s top buzz words such as NAS, SAN, SAS, SCSI and RAID. Focused Technologies approaches data storage as an opportunity to improve the system performance and provide fault tolerance for our client’s servers. This significantly lessens interruptions in productivity, and it also decreases the chance of data loss.
All data on local servers should is secured and subject to permissions based management. This means only specific authorized employees have access to a given file with the ability to read, modify or delete said file. All managed data is backed up locally and remotely using AES 256-bit security encryption, ensuring data security and continued operation should our office experience an extended power outage, natural disaster, or other possible failures.
Data Backups
The primary purpose of backups is to recover data after its loss, be it by data deletion or corruption. Data loss can be a common experience of computer users; a recent survey found that 66% of respondents had lost files on their PC. The secondary purpose of backups is to recover data from an earlier time, according to a user-defined data retention policy, typically configured within a backup application for how long copies of data are required.
Though backups represent a simple form of disaster recovery and should be part of any disaster recovery plan, backups by themselves should not be considered a complete disaster recovery plan. One reason for this is that not all backup systems are able to reconstitute a computer system or other complex configuration, such as a computer cluster, active directory server, or database server by simply restoring data from a backup.
There are few things equally important as being able to recover data when you need it. This means a professional backup and recovery solution should be a priority for any business. Our professional backup and recovery solutions offer data replication both on-site and off-site, using AES 256-bit security encryption and data compression for fast transfers; keeping recovery tasks secure and restoration times to a minimum.
There Are 3 Simple Truths
- Backup is essential.
- It is truly your last line of defense.
- It is not a matter of if you will need a good backup and recovery solution but when you will need a good backup and recovery solution.
Our Business Data Backup Solutions Provide
- Onsite & Offsite Replication
- Encryption of data for security
- Compression for faster offsite transfers